Social Sciences
- Participate in activities involving the following units: home and family community life, celebrating religious and national festivals, teaching topics like transportation, communication, and current events.
- Be taken on a variety of field trips relating to units. Potential field trips: post office, local vegetable market, park, places of worships etc.
Physical Education
- Be involved in free and organized play.
- Be involved in indoor and outdoor play.
- Be given opportunities to participate in the following:
- Games that involve large and small motor skills.
- Rhythmic activities.
- Creative dramatics.
- Physical movement with stationary and moveable equipment.
- Manipulative activities: puzzles.
- Construction activities: blocks, boxes, legos.
Use the following art media:
- Painting
- Play dough modeling
- Drawing
- Gluing
- Cutting
Experience music through:
- Singing
- Listening
- Learn to enjoy music for its own sake.
- In story time and group activities.
- Have opportunities to use puppets, costumes, and other props to identify with people, times, and places in a make-believe world.